Legislative Committee

Last Updated: 8/01/2023

Committee Chair or Co-Chairs:
Michael Curtis, Chair

Committee Members:
Darlene Allen, Monique Becnel, Mark Blevins, Tiffani Delapasse, Chantel Freeman, Amanda Granier, Hollie Howard, Alexandra Lake, Megan Metoyer, Marty Morein, Neshelle Nogess, Michele Picou, Patrick Segura, Jeff Whitton, Christina Villareal

Committee Responsibilities:
The Legislative Committee monitors legislation that affects local tax collections. They provide support to the LATA Board in regards to proposed regulations from the Louisiana Department of Revenue. The committee determines and makes recommendations to the LATA Board when there is the need for a local regulation on a local tax issue.

Current Committee Activities & Goals:
Although the Legislative Committee has gotten better through the years in working with different groups in the legislative arena, we can do better. The committee intends to become more proactive in the legislative process rather than reactive. By offering suggestions and alternatives instead of just being a roadblock to adverse legislation affecting local tax collections, the work of the committee will become a more valuable resource to the members.

The committee will continue to monitor legislation that may affect tax collections.

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